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6 Tips For Keeping Your Pet Safe At Christmas

Posted on 14 December 2020
6 Tips For Keeping Your Pet Safe At Christmas

With Christmas just around the corner, it's important to keep our pets happy and safe during the festive season. While they too are a part of the celebrations, we need to also be  aware of potential risks to our pets during this busy time.

Here are a list of tips that will help your pet have a happy and healthy Christmas too.


1. Christmas foods can be toxic to your pet

Christmas foods involve some of the most toxic and dangerous substances for pets to get their paws on. Do not give in to those puppy dog eyes or leave food in places that animals have easy access to - just small amounts of some of these foods can be fatal.

  • Avocados
  • Alcohol
  • Chocolate - baking chocolate and cocoa powders are also toxic.
  • Christmas pudding
  • Coffee
  • Cooked bones
  • Currants
  • Fruit Cakes
  • Grapes
  • Lollies
  • Ham
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Marinades
  • Onions
  • Pork
  • Raisins
  • Sugarless gum

Pets can be pretty tricky about getting their paws on something tasty, especially things they're not meant to have. In the event your pet has managed to get a hold of these foods, knowing the symptoms to look out for can help you take quick action and potentially save their life. If you think your pet may have eaten something they shouldnt have, seek veterinary attention immediately. 

Symptoms include:

  • Diarrhoea
  • Excessive panting
  • Lack of coordination
  • Muscle twitching
  • Poor breathing
  • Vomiting


2. Quiet time

Providing your pet with a quiet space where they can go to get away from all the noise will help them remain calm and well-rested. Though our pets are naturally social creatures, they also need a break every now and again from the hustle and bustle of holiday celebrations. It can also be helpful to play some light music or leave on the TV to mask the chatter of humans so your pet can relax.


3. Exercise to reduce potential stress

This tip is particularly important if you're hosting celebrations - exercising your pets prior to having guests over will help reduce their stress and increase the likelihood they will use the celebration time to have their nap. With the Australian Summer also in full swing during the holidays, be mindful of the time of day you take your pet out.


4. Keep Christmas decorations out of reach

Putting up the Christmas decorations is one of the most exciting parts of the holidays - from the baubles to the lights, it all helps spread the Christmas spirit. But for pets, these decorations can be a hazard and pose a real danger to their safety.

Baubles hanging from branches can make for an irresistible opportunity to play. Plastic or glass baubles especially can look like a ball to your dog, but if one were to break in their mouth it can cause serious damage to their mouth as well as their internal organs if swallowed. They can also cause cuts, or get in stuck in their paws.

Tinsel and tree lights can also be fascinating, keep a close watch on these too as they can be a potential choke hazard or a risk of electric shock if chewed.

Those decorations that are edible for humans are also tempting to your pets, but these can also be potentially toxic or dangerous - hanging these decorations at the top of your tree can help reduce the risk of this occurring.


5. Clean up wrapping paper and ribbons

Do not leave paper and ribbon lying about, if chewed and  swallowed these have the potential to cause an intestinal obstruction.


6. Treat your pets to something special

While our pets can't engage in the same festive foods and treats that we can, we can make them feel special too during this festive time. Think of a special treat suitable and safe for them to eat, or a new toy or even just some extra time playing games or taking a walk, they too can enjoy some festive cheer!

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